5 things your crew can do to be more environmentally conscious
Want to know what you can do to make life aboard a yacht more environmentally friendly? Check out our top tips for small changes with big impact - from avoiding single-use plastic to keeping nasty cleaning chemicals out of the ocean, these suggestions put the marine environment first.

Switch to reusable bottles
One of the easiest, most cost effective and environmentally friendly ways we can kick start the movement against single use plastic is by carrying a reusable bottle. Generally, these are made from glass or aluminium and come in a range of colours and styles. Not only are they good for the environment but they’ll also keep your drinks hot or cold as desired. Stock up on for one for each crew member and never get stuck with luke-warm water from a plastic bottle again!
Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
The daily cleaning of the boat is a big thing and with a lot of the dirty water from both deck and interior going into either the tanks or directly into the sea, it’s important to make sure that the chemicals involved aren’t doing any damage to the marine life around the boat. There are several different ranges which have proven to be effective AND environmentally friendly.
Ocean-Safe Sunscreen
No-one wants to look like a lobster, least of all your charter guests, and with crewmembers spending a lot of time out in the sun too, it’s important everyone is safe from the sun’s rays. There are now several brands on the market that offer effective sun protection whilst at the same time being ocean friendly - doing no damage to the delicate ecosystem beneath the surface.
Bags for Life
Provisioning for a boat is a big task that can run to tens of plastic bags, too many of which are finding their way into our oceans and into the stomachs of marine life. A quick and easy solution is the good old ‘bag for life’. Either bought at the checkout in the supermarket or you can opt for a more stylish version, this durable solution is the perfect antidote to those pesky plastic bags.
Metal straws
Many countries have now banned plastic drinking straws, which is excellent news, but what is the alternative? The Italians are going down the pasta route, others are trying to find a way to make a paper straw that doesn’t lose its shape after 30 seconds in liquid. Our favourite however is the metal straw; washable, light and available in different colours, it’s an easy fix for those who would rather sip than sup their drinks.